Featured Learning Materials
The publications below have been developed by the Institute. All learning materials can be downloaded for free.
Adaptive and resilient governance in health crisis situations: policy and practical consideration
While the health crisis has exposed deep-seated weaknesses in governance paradigms and national health systems, it has also presented avenues for reform and progress. In line with this, this volume offers policy recommendations and practical considerations for decision-makers, giving them tools to better address the current pandemic and to build more adaptive and resilient communities for future crises. This book is presented as a compilation of works originally published as policy briefs by the De La Salle University - Jesse M. Robredo Institute of Governance, authored and revised by knowledge experts in medicine, public administration, political science, communications, and information technology.
Making Hay While The Sun Shines: Working with Opportunities and adapting to constraints
The case study, published by Global Integrity (GI), analyzes how universities in the Philippines can serve as knowledge hubs or infomediaries in promoting local open government practices and principles. Using an adaptive learning approach, the document examines the gains, challenges, and potentials of the project Universities and Knowledge Partnerships implemented by the DLSU Jesse M. Robredo Institute of Governance through the support of Hivos, Institute of Development Studies, and GI under the Making All Voices Count program.
This paper looks at the experiences of CSOs in the Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB) in four (4) selected localities in the Philippines: Metro Iloilo, Iloilo; Tobias Fornier, Antique; Cagayan de Oro City; and Alubijid, Misamis Oriental. The cases highlight how participation in the BuB impacted local CSOs’ quality of engagement with their respective local governments, organizational capacity, and quality of participatory local governance. The cases also investigate how local CSOs have optimized BuB as a space to participate in local governance.
Applied Budget Work for CSOs (2013)
Local budget analysis and monitoring activities can help improve development outcomes. As a result, it is crucial to strengthen the capacity of CSOs to drive the demand for transparent and accountable governance.This training manual is designed for local CSO leaders who have engaged in or are planning to become involved in applied budget work.
Transparency and Accountability Mechanisms in Philippine Local Governance toolkit (2013)
This toolkit emerged from a project implemented by the Institute in partnership with Global Integrity and the Australian Agency for International Development. The goal of this publication is to support evidence-based and participatory local governance reform towards concrete improvements in local transparency and accountability.
Monitoring Public Services to the Poor Capacity Development Programs (2012)
Monitoring is a critical component in delivering public services to the poor. This book is a compilation of capacity development programs conducted throughout the Philippines. It describes how different organizations can collaborate, draft monitoring plans, and develop reports and action plans to ensure the quality of projects.
Monitoring Social Accountability Stocktaking Report (2012)
This Stocktaking Report identifies monitoring initiatives, tools, and approaches used in the Philippines. In addition, we discuss how these tools can be applied and identify their opportunities and limitations. We classify these initiatives according to their use in the program management cycle and highlight challenges faced by CSOs in monitoring public services.