DLSU Institute of Governance organizes Virtual Forum on the 2019 Open Budget Survey

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The DLSU Institute for Governance in partnership with the Stratbase ADR Institute and the International Budget Partnership (IBP) organized a virtual discussion on the “2019 Open Budget Survey: How did the Philippines perform?” last 9 October 2020 .  The knowledge activity generated insights on the results of the 2019 Open Budget Survey of the IBP. The global survey measured the Philippine government’s performance on fostering transparency, citizen participation, and accountability in the national budget process: planning, legislation, implementation, and auditing. The results and recommendations of the survey were discussed by Dr. Francisco A. Magno, who served as 2019 OBS Philippine Expert under the IBP. Existing initiatives of the government on improving public finance openness were also presented by Secretary Wendel E. Avisado of the Department of Budget and Management, Chairman Michael Aguinaldo of the Commission on Audit, and Senator Juan Edgardo Angara of the Senate Committee on Finance. Moreover, the virtual discussion identified possible policy actions needed to improve citizen participation in the national budget process.